Monday, March 31, 2014

Whooooooo likes Owls? Me that's Whoooooooo!


Friday, March 28, 2014

DIY Share:Straw Bamboo Light Fixture


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Whatchu talkin' bout, my necklace hanger ain't ghetto!

So I just recently started wearing my jewelry again, things I had long ago put away. I also started buying new pieces. I'm tight on space so I don't have the room to put a fancy tall jewelry stand in my room so I made this necklace holder out of a few hangers. My kids laughed  and said this was a G-H-E-T-T-O remedy to hanging my necklaces. I thought this was a wonderful ideal.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Nautical is what's HOT right now.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Giving Back: Volunteering for "The Fairy Godmothers" Helping high school girls with finacial hardship attend prom

My daughter Mori had a dress that she wanted to donate to an organization, 
so that someone who needed the help would be able to purchase her dress at
 little or no cost.She found 'The Fairy Godmothers Inc' and not only did she donate 
but we decided to volunteer.We were shocked when we arrived our first day,
 to see how many girls were lined up waiting to try on the dresses.We had a 
wonderful time helping these ladies.You and I both know teenagers are 
funny creatures and I definitely had my share of
 laughs during the time I was there.

This is the gown that Mori donated. 
This was from her Junior dance at the University Of Richmond...Go Spiders!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

DIY Share: Doily Wedge Shoes By Connie's Craft Closet

I <3 being different and these shoes are different. I am not sure I I came to find this video  but here it is. The directions are super easy. My high heel days are over but if you have an old pair of shoes go for it. This would also be sharp on a pair of calf length boots! Enjoy!

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I'm back Bitchessssss!

I know it's been a minute but I'm back! I have been engrossed with my family and my new position at work. I got side tracked from the things that I like to do in my spare time but no fear. I am budgeting my time for some me time. I'm starting my diving into this book. This is our March book-of-the-month for our book club. 

I hope I haven't lost any followers and hope to gain a few. 
Sit back and enjoy the show cause it's about to go down!
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