Saturday, February 7, 2015

DIY Craft Project: How would you like a Fancy Smancy Pin Cushion?

 I really think that this project is so simple it's kinda self explanatory 
but I will point out the steps below. Alrighty now herrree we goooo.
1. Choose your frame and your fabric 
2.Cut your fabric out and I cut about a inch bigger than the frame. 
This way you are allowing for the fabric to hold your stuffing.
3. Now you should have your frame, cut-out fabric and your stuffing.  
 4. take the backing and glass out of your frame
5. place your fabric on your frame wrong side of the fabric should be facing you. 
6. Add your stuffing
7. Pack down your stuffing
 8. Check to see if  your stuffing is as high as you want you pin cushion. 
Add or take away stuffing as you see fit.
9. This is the most tricky part here. Now time to place your backing on the frame, 
while keeping your stuffing between the fabric and the backing. 
Now review the front and make sure there are no gaps or pulls, 
which can be removed by gently pulling the fabric that is sticking 
out around the edges underneath. Take your time pulling the fabric and 
make sure your cushions is smooth and neat all the way around the frame.
 10. Now that you have all your stuffing in place,  and your fabric 
nice and neat, turn over for your results. (I left the arm on this frame 
because I am going to use it as art on my shelf, but you could 
remove yours so that it lays flat open it's back, or you can leave it on)
Below are he frames that I threw a little color on. I just used a fast drying spray paint 




  1. These are gorgeous. What a great idea.

    1. Right, I know when I found a picture I was like this is simply cool! Good luck!

  2. Love the silver one most of all - it looks like a vintage compact! Thanks for the tute!

    1. You know I had to look at it again, I knida see where you're coming from. Good Luck & Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Replies
    1. I know right!When I saw another version of this ideal I knew I had to make one or two...or three, maybe even 5!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! it's a great gift ideal! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Christina! This was a super easy DIY. Good luck!

  6. That leopard spot one is fab! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway ..

    1. Yep Marquerite that's my fav also! Good Luck in the giveaway! Thanks fro stopping by.

  7. Great Idea! I think I'll make one in a bigger frame to mount on my station @ work. I do weaves so this will look too classy holding all my threaded needles!! Thanx sis 😘

    1. That's a great ideal! Not only functional but "You Fancy" too! Post a pic on my FB page: Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love this! Thanks so much for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday! This week's party starts at 10pm tonight. We hope to see you again!

  9. Replies
    1. This was the easiest DIY I've done in a long time and I love it.


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