OK so the story starts out like this. I decided to order this couch online but you have to actually call them to process the furniture orders so I called an chatted with Becky from Macys.com. Becky takes all my info and as I proceeded to check out she says I can not use two forms of payments. I had a Macy's gift card and my MasterCard. So I say how can we make this happen because I have to use this gift card. She says that I can take my order number and go to Macy's and pay for the couch and they can take the two forms of payments. She pulled up my local store and I said but they do not sell furniture and she said that does not matter. So off I go to my Macy's.
I get there and go through several salespeople none of whom knew if I could pay for this couch in their store. I go to the Customer Service area and they call a manager. John comes over and tells me that he is sorry that Macy.com told me I could come into their store and pay for the couch but they can not process this transaction because they do not sell furniture in this store. I said John why would Becky tell me this is possible if it was not possible? He then goes to apologize again and says "If they can call me I can see if there is a way to process this transaction". Me standing there stunned, I say "Can you call them"? he says Sure I can let me go to the back and call them. I'm standing there fuming for about 15 minutes and he then comes back and says that they can not process the order but if I can pay with one form of payment they can process the order over the phone. Me sanding there with the most puzzling look on my face, I say "John, that's the reason I am in this store right now is because I have a gift card that I have to use along with my MasterCard"! John "Oh". I wanted to punch John in his fucking face!
I ask him if I can load additional monies on my gift card and pay for the couch using only the gift card. He told me yes I would be able to do that, so I load money onto this card enough to cover the couch and delivery and off I go home to order the couch on the phone.
Now I get Brandon on the phone this time and as I was going to pay with my gift card he proceeds to tell me that because I am paying with a gift card I have to have a credit card on file to cover the couch because they do not bill until the couch is delivered and this leaves the gift card available for use before this delivery. I almost threw my phone across the room! I said Brandon do you really work for Macy's or are you a third party for Macy's? He said no we work for Macy's. I was like then how come nobody is on the same page?
So at this point I am beyond pissed and I am so contacting corporate. So Brandon apologizes for everything that happened on Friday on the phone and in the store. He kept saying please don't be mad at me but the only thing that I can do is go to the nearest store that DOES sell furniture and they can process my transaction. I am so done with this couch and Macy's I said I would wait until Sunday to handle this.
Sunday was the day of reckoning and shit was going down if there were any glitches today! I get to the Plymouth Meeting location and we are greeted by Rosanna. I had all the info she needed, she processed my order, set up my delivery and thanked me for the sale. She said "that was the easiest sale I have ever had in my life". I said "Rosanna, I wish I could say the same thing". Thanked her and went on my way. She also said not to buy anything online and I was like don't I know it! So my couch will be delivered on Wed! If I was not so vested and in need of this damn NAVY couch it would have went somewhere else to buy a couch! Macy's is on my shit list now so not sure about future furniture purchases from them.
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