Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Junk in The Trunk Tuesday: The Real Deal in Arizona

Next stop Arizona for more junk and more junk. If your in this area this could be the fix for your junk sweet tooth!  You know all those pictures you see in the magazines, advertisements and Blogs? Well that's the kinda stuff you see when you look at the pictures from the "Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market" These ladies have found a niche to getting all  those one of a kind items that you dream about all in one spot! My biggest problem is that I live in Pennsylvania and this Market happens in Arizona, I trying to figure out how I'm gonna make this happen. I got Texas on my Bucket list now I'm gonna go ahead and Arizona as well.  Please click your way over to see those fab pictures and to get more info.

O T H E R    U P C O M I N G    M A R K E T S :   M A Y  3 ,  2 0 1 4  &  S E P T   2 0 ,  2 0 1 4

Keep on trucking and you could reach this spot, the home of the Big Heap!
It ain't as pretty as the vintage market but it has some pretty good stuff!
 June 21-22 2014 Flagstaff, AZ

Cave Creek, AZ 1st Saturdays Oct-May
 photo 35845374-bce1-426b-9e7a-633f43c85d42_zps12c60185.jpg

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