This is my second post bringing Graffiti in
from the outside. My first post HERE. I just admire those who can produce such art I only dream of
producing. I have seen artist with the cans in their hands spraying their magic
on anything they could get their hands on. I have painted graffiti with paint
brushes but no spray cans or air brushes so far. Here is furniture pieces that
I want to share.
graf·fi·ti grəˈfētē/Submit noun
1. writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. "the walls were covered with graffiti" synonyms: street art, spray-painting, inscriptions, drawings; verb
1.write or draw graffiti on (something). "he and another artist graffitied an entire train
Is this too much or what, I Love it!!!
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great share, Thanks! I have never seen furniture+graffiti together before- I love it! Did you make the furniture in your first picture yourself?
Ronja Lotte (
No, I wish I made this stuff!! No I'm just sharing finds of greatness! Thanks for stopping by.