Monday, January 26, 2015

DIY: A blank canvas and a black sharpie, it's a match made in heaven!

Got Art?  Yeah Boi! It was time to sharpen my pencil and make some shit! I wanted to draw something a little quirky and fun on my 20X24 canvas. I had a claw-foot tub on my mind since this was a bathroom, I'm thinking that it would work. We Googled images and I didn't find exactly what I was looking for but I had the shape I wanted to use in my head. The design on the picture below was the kinda quirk I was looking for so I used some of it on my drawing. 

The one thing I will say about this project is that it;s all about commitment! you have this white blank canvas and this thick black permanent marker, this is when your steady hand comes into play. If don't commit to using that marker with a purpose your screwed from the beginning! SO I say open that sharpie with purpose and just chant to yourself, I will not mess this up. I will not mess this up, I will not mess... oh shoot, maybe you can make that into a flower?
 My sketches for my tub. Below are my supplies, Two pack canvas $13.00, Big Fat Sharpie $4.00 Thin Sharpie $2.00 and my imagination! For my tub, I drew it in pencil on my canvas and then traced it with my sharpie. The word canvas was just free-hand work.  (We are going to add a black frame around the tub canvas, just looking for the right frame.)
 photo 35845374-bce1-426b-9e7a-633f43c85d42_zps12c60185.jpg


  1. This looks super easy, I can't draw for nothing but I d have pretty good handwriting so I can definitely put some words on canvas.

    1. This one it truly an easy DIY, all you see now a days is words all,over everything so get to it!

  2. Replies
    1. It's so simple you have to love it, get ya DIY on!


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